What is the Purpose of our Aanmeegam Website?
Aanmeegam (Spirituality) is about keeping our thoughts under our control. That is, removing evil thoughts from the mind and enhancing good thoughts with the grace of God. Here, you can see some spiritual thoughts, information and all the methods of worshiping God explained on this website, guided by the people who have lived on this holy earth for thousands of years, gained experience, thoroughly explored every nuance of life, realized God, received His grace and merged with spiritual life.
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Shiva Puranam Recitation
Shiva Puranam is the first part of the book Thiruvasakam, written by the Saiva saint and poet Manikkavasaka. This book, which is praised as "He who does not melt into Thiruvasakam will melt into any verse", is considered very sacred to Saivas. The songs of Shiva Puranam have been a source of spiritual inspiration to many. Read Shiva Puranam and receive the blessings of Lord Shiva!
Shiva Puranam Song LyricsYou can Donate!
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