- February 19, 2025
Lust: Because affection, love, and lust makes our mind dirty and destroys our life.
Enmity: Angry is injurious to our life, it will destroy the people who get angry and their neighbors.
Lopam: If we give space to greedy, we will lose our own properties too. We can’t reach the way to god.
Religion: If an elephant got a frenzy, it would destroy the whole town. Is anyone like that type of elephant? Likewise, if a man got a frenzy, god hates him.
Jealous: If we are jealous, we don’t have an enemy to defeat us. Our jealousy destroys us.
Vain pride: We will be free from fake pride and negative character.
Arrogance: The person who has arrogance like “I am” won’t succeed in their life. Arrogance is an endless load.
Sattvic: We will do karma without any harness and vengeance.
Rajasam: We should not do karma with arrogance.
Thamasam: Having a trifle mind and doing the action in a collapsed, fainting state.
Wisdom: Having thought that all are God’s activities is great wisdom.
Soul: We should live without hurting others and spoiling others. We always have God’s thinking in our hearts.
Agnostic: The mind which stands in a dark circle without seeing the true facts.
Eyes: To see the god and to drop happy tears, eyes are created.
Ears: To hear the superior character of god and to immerse in him.
Nose: To smell the fragrance from the shrine of a god.
Body: Worship the lord with our two hands. Go to the temple with our legs. Our body touches the earth when we namaskar the god.
Among these 18 types of characters, we should follow the good characters and neglect the negative character. And so we can get the gods’ grace. These are the meaning of the 18 steps of Sabarimala temple.
The 18 steps of Ayyapa temple have 18 Gods. They were:
First step: Vishaatha yoga. Our birth is not constant. Our punyas and sins are decided by the good and bad things we do. We should have thought of getting Mukti through God’s grace. This is called vishaatha yoga. This was the meaning of the first step.
Second step: Saangiya yogam. Our foremost guru is Paramathma. We admire this from our heart.We have to get Aathma upathesam (preach) from him. This was the meaning of the second step.
Third step: Karmayogam. Is it enough to get only upathesam? We should attain qmaturity. Maturity is doing things without expecting anything. This was the third step.
Fourth step: Gyana karma sanniyasa yogam. Without fearing about sins and punyas. Without having a desire for anything. The only achievement is to reach lord parama. This was the fourth step.
Fifth step: Sanniyaasa yoga. Without having ignorance like ‘I am’ and doing dharma and donation. This was the fifth step.
Sixth step: Thyana(meditation) yoga. Self-control is important to reach God. Eyes, nose, ears, mouth, and body are the five senses. We have to control these five senses. We should not go along with the way they pull us. This is the meaning of the sixth step .
Seventh step: Gyanam(wisdom). Things we see in this world are all Lord Brahma.Having a thought like “All are God’s activity ” is the meaning of seventh step.
Eighth step: Atchara brahma yoga. Thinking of God anytime without any interference is the meaning of the eighth step.
Ninth step: Rajavidhya, Raja Kuhya yoga. Only having a Spiritual mind is not enough. Doing social service and making poor people smile is the real spirituality. Realizing this truth was the meaning of the ninth step.
Tenth step: Viboothi yoga. Seeing god in all the spiritual characteristics like Beauty, knowledge, and wisdom was the meaning of the tenth step.
Eleventh step: Viswaroopa darisana yogam. Having a maturity level of seeing god in the Universe and the Universe in God is the meaning of the eleventh step.
Twelfth step: Bakthi yoga. Sadness – happiness, love-hate, poor – rich. Not seeing this type of contradiction in life and thinking all are unity is the meaning of the twelfth step.
Thirteenth step: Shethrakngya vibaka yoga. God has displayed in all living beings and made them do activities. The understanding of this was the meaning of the thirteenth step.
Fourteenth step: Gunathra vipaaga yoga. Removing the sorrows of birth, death, and adult and surrendering to god was the meaning of the fourteenth step.
Fifteenth step: Deivasura vipaha yoga. Neglecting the bad characters and developing the good characters in us and increasing spirituality was the meaning of the fifteenth step.
Sixteenth step: Sambath vipaaha yoga. Realizing all are equal in God’s creation. Avoiding arrogance was the meaning of the sixteenth step.
Seventeenth step: Sirithaathraya vipaaha yoga. A thought of “Sarvam brahma mayam”(All are Brahman’s activity) was the seventeenth step meaning.
Eighteenth step: Moksha sanyaasa yoga. Seeing unity in all living beings and surrendering before God’s shrine. Believing God will bless us was the meaning of the eighteenth step.
Passing these eighteen promising steps of Lord Ayyappa we can see the shining Karimala vasan, Manikanda prabhu. He will bless us with all the wealth and prosperity was the meaning of the 18 steps of lord Ayyappa.