Sunday 2nd of March 2025

Goddess Lakshmi Names with Meaning

Baby Names Inspired by Goddess Lakshmi

Lakshmi is the goddess of prosperity, wealth, and success. She is one of the most widely worshipped deities in Hinduism. Goddess Shri Mahalakshmi is revered in many temples as the consort of Mahavishnu, the Lord of Protection. Every Hindu household contains at least one image of Lakshmi. People wish her luck and prosperity in life. Here are the most popular Lakshmi names, along with their meanings.

127 Modern Names of Goddess Lakshmi

Goddess Lakshmi’s Name Meaning of the Name
Aditya Resplendent like the sun
Ahladajanani The source of happiness
Aishwarya Wealth
Amrita Nectar
Anagha One without sins
Anugrahaprada One who grants prayers
Apara / Aparajitha Boundless
Aruna / Purnima / Atibha Radiant / Bright
Ashoka One who knows no sorrow
Avashya Essential
Bhaskari The one radiant like the sun
Bilvanilaya One who resides under the Bilva tree
Brahmavishnushivatmika The soul of the trinity namely Brahma Vishnu and Shiva
Buddhi Intelligence
Chakrika Holder of divine wheel
Chandra One who is cool like the moon
Chandrarupa One who shines like a moon
Chandrasahodari The sister of the moon
Chandravadana One with a moon-like face
Chaturbhuja One with four arms
Daridryadhwamsini One who destroys poverty
Daridryanashini One who removes poverty
Dharmanilaya One who establishes eternal order
Dipa The flame-like one
Dipta resplendent
Ditya One who answers prayers
Hari Priya Love of Hari, Sri Maha Vishnu
Harivallabhi Consort of Lord Hari
Hemamalini One with Golden Garlands
Hiranmayi The golden one
Hiranyaprakara The one who resides amidst gold
Indira The leader / Beautiful
Indusheetala One who is cool like the moon
Jalaja Originating in water lotus
Jaya victory
Kalyani / Subha Devi Auspicious
Kamakshi One with Attractive Eyes
Kamala Lotus
Kamalika Holder of lotus
Kanta Effulgent one
Karuna Compassionate
Ketki Cream coloured flower
Kriya Lakshmi Catalyst
Lakshmi Goddess of wealth
Lalima Red colored
Lokamatri Universal mother
Lokashokavinashini Remover of the world’s miseries
Madhavi Feminine form of Madhava, Sri Maha Vishnu
Madhu Honey
Malti Wearer of garland
Mangala Devi The auspicious goddess
Manushri Wife of Manu (Sri Maha Vishnu)
Nandika Happy woman
Nandini Delightful
Narayana Samarchita One who is worshipped equally to Narayan
Nitya Pushta One who is ever energetic
Padma Lotus
Padma Mukhi Face as lotus
Padma Priya Loves lotus
Padma Sundari As beautiful as lotus
Padma, Kamala Lotus
Padmagandhini One with the fragrance of a lotus
Padmahasta One who carries a lotus in hands
Padmakshi Eyes as lotuses
Padmakshya Lotus-eyed
Padmalaya Resident of lotus
Padmamaalaadhaara Devi The wearer of the garland of lotuses
Padmamaladhara One who wears a lotus garland
Padmamukhi One with a lotus face
Padmanabhapriya One who loves Padmanabha (Vishnu)
Padmapriya One who loves lotus
Padmasundari Charming one like a lotus
Padmodbhava One emerged out of a lotus
Parama The best
Paramatmika The omnipresent one
Prabha One radiant like the sun
Prachi Dawn (east)
Prakriti The nature
Prasadabhimukhi One who grants boons
Prasannakshi One with beautiful eyes
Purnima Bright
Pushti The healthy one
Rama The attractive one
Rujula Endower of wealth
Samruddhi Prosperity
Samudratanaya The daughter of the ocean
Sarvabhutahitaprada One who grants the wishes of all beings
Sarvopadrava Varini One who dispels all miseries
Satya Truth
Shiva The auspicious one
Shivakari One who brings auspiciousness
Shraddha The most sincere one
Shri Goddess of prosperity
Shubha The most auspicious one
Shubhaprada The auspicious one
Shuchi The purest one
Smriti Active
Sri Eminence, Radiance, Wealth
Sri Devi / Shreeya Goddess of wealth
Strainasoumya The one who gives prosperity to women
Sudha The immortal nectar
Sujata Highly born
Suprasanna Ever Cheerful
Surabhi The perennial spring
Swarna Kamala Golden lotus
Taruni Young, youthful
Tilottama Celestial maiden (most beautiful)
Trikalajnanasampanna The one who is aware of the three times namely past, present, and future
Uluka-Vahini Having owl as Her vehicle
Vachi One who speaks like nectar
Varalakshmi Granter of boons
Vasudha Mother Earth
Vasudharini One who bears the burden of the earth
Vasundhara The daughter of the earth
Vasuprada One who gives all wealth
Vedavati Protector of Vedas
Vibha The radiant one
Vibhuti The supreme wealth
Vidya Knowledge
Vikriti Nature with multiple aspects
Vimala The pure one
Viroopa Shapely
Vishnu Priya Love of Sri Maha Vishnu
Vishnupatni The consort of Vishnu
Vishnuvakshassthalasthita One who is enshrined in the chest of Vishnu
Vishwajanani The Mother of the Universe
Yashaswini The famed one

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