Saturday 22nd of February 2025



Sant Mata Karma Bai was born in 1017 AD at ‘Jhansi Nagar’ in the state of Uttar Pradesh. Her father’s name was Ramshah Sahu.  Mata Karma Bai came to be called as ‘Karma’ because of her good deeds, and also she was a staunch devotee of Lord Shri Krishna, and she also had the direct darshan of Lord Krishna. After she met Krishna, Karma Bai was praised by the people as ‘Mata Karma Bai.

Mata Karma Bai was married to Padma Sahu, who has lived in Shivpuri at Madhya Pradesh and he was an oil merchant.

When Karma Bai’s husband faced with enmity problems, Mata Karma Bai united her soul in the devotion of Lord Shri Krishna and due to that, her husband enemies were turned into his friends.

Ma Karma Bai used to feed dry fruits and sweets to Lord Shri Krishna daily, and the Lord also used to appear in front of her in the form of a small innocent playful boy, and would eat the things given by her delightfully.

But once instead of dry fruits, when she cooked and fed tasty Vaddas and Laddus, Little Krishna happily accepted it, and said, O mother, this dishes found to be very tasty and good, hence please feed me the same dishes every day.

Hearing this, Mata Karma Bai used to daily prepare hot Vadas and Laddus for her Lord every day and Lord Shri Krishna also used to eat it satisfactorily.

Mata Karma Bai used to wake up early morning in Jagannathpuri and make the tasty dishes which were liked by Krishna, and apart from direct feeding to Krishna, she also offered the remaining food items as Prasad items to Lord Jagannath at his Temple, and after producing it before the deity, the Prasad items would be served to the devotees of Lord Jagannath.

Karma Bai’s voice was very sweet, and she used to daily sing the praises of Shri Krishna in a melodious voice like Ma Meera Bai, Ma Mukta Bai and Ma Sakku Bai since her childhood. It is said that Mata Karma Bai died in the year 1634 AD in Jagannathpuri. In this way Mata Karma Bai had attained salvation in her life in the devotion of Lord Sri Krishna.

Sant Karmabai’s songs in praise of Lord Krishna

  1. Hey! My Krishna! Even while I was sleeping, my mouth recites only your name, and my mind concentrates only on you.
  2. Hey! Gopala! Govinda! Even during my death, my entire thoughts must have to focus only on you, and not on anything else.
  3. Hey Krishna! Mahaprabhu! You are my best saviour, even if I starve from hunger and thirst, I would never curse you, but, I would get relieved from my thirst and hunger by the way of singing your songs.
  4. Hey Narayana! Madhava! Madhusudana, I consider only you as my true divine saviour, and I want to stay permanently at your lotus feet for ever.
  5. Hey Panduranga! Pandarinatha! Even if I have been entered into fire, the fire god, Lord Agni cannot touch me, since I consider myself as your true devotee.
  6. Hey Govinda! Let my tongue praises you, eyes see your divine beauty, ears hear your divine songs, hands bow at you, and let my entire body surrenders at your holy feet.
  7. Hey Ananda! I cannot live in this world, without your help, I consider you as my father, mother, friend, philosopher, god and guide.



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