Monday 3rd of March 2025

Gods Days of the Week – Which days are for which Hindu God?

Each Day of a Week Dedicated to a Particular Hindu God

In Hinduism, each day of a week is dedicated to a particular god in the Hindu pantheon. Apart from the special Vratas and Upvaas, many Hindus also fast on a particular day in a week. Each day in a week has a specialty and there are numerous folklores associated with the fasting observed on the days of a week.

Which God is which day?

  • Sunday is dedicated to Lord Surya (Sun God).
  • Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva.
  • Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Goddess Durga, Kali and Lord Hanuman.
  • Wednesday is dedicated to planet Mercury and Lord Vithal, an incarnation of Krishna.
  • Thursday is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and his incarnations.
  • Friday is dedicated to Mother Goddess – Mahalakshmi, Santhosi Ma, Annapuraneshwari and Durga.
  • Saturday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord Shani.


Sunday is dedicated to Lord Surya (Sun God). Those who undertake fast (upvaas) on the day only take a single meal. Oil and salt is avoided. Red is the color of the day and red flowers are offered to Surya Ravivar, or Sunday, is dedicated to Lord Surya or Suryanarayana. Upvaas or fasting on the day is dedicated to the Sun God. Red is the color of the day.

Those people who undertake fast on the day only eat food once that too before sunset. Salt, oil and fried food items are avoided. Red color flowers are offered while praying. Red color sandalwood paste is applied as tilak on forehead.

Extra care is given on cleanliness of the body and surrounding. It is believed that Ravivar Vrat will help in fulfilling desires. People with skin diseases observe the Vrat to get relief. Many devotees also give alms on the day.

god to worship on sunday


Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is said that Lord Shiva is easily pleased. Therefore many people observe Upvaas on Monday. Those devotees observing fast only eat food once. People visit Lord Shiva shrines and conduct pujas, especially, Ardhanarishwara puja.

The mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is chanted continuously. Siva devotees also read Shiva Purana. Unmarried women observe the Vrat to get good husbands. Others observe it for a happy and prosperous family life.

god to worship on monday


Tuesday is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, Durga, Goddess Kali and Lord Hanuman. Most devotees visit Devi and Hanuman shrines. Those people who fast avoid taking food containing salt at night.

Upvaas (fasting) on the day is dedicated to Hanuman and Mangal or Mars. Mangalwar, Tuesday, takes its name from the god Mangal or Mars who rules the day and is considered to be a trouble maker, and the fast is to ward off the harmful effects. Red is the preferred color on the day.

It must be noted here that the Hanuman might not be worshipped on Tuesday in all regions. Some communities might be worshipping some other deity. For example, in South India the day is dedicated to Skanda or Muruga or Kartikeya (Kartik).

For the devotees, it will do well to worship Lord Muruga with sincere prayers on all Tuesdays (as He is the Lord controlling Mars), all Visaka Star days (as it is His birth star), Skandha Sashti days (6th day from Amavasya / new moon day), Pushya Star day in Thai (January 15 to Feb 14) month and all days of Karthika month.

god to worship on tuesday


Wednesday is dedicated to planet Mercury and Lord Vithal, an incarnation of Krishna. Green color leaves, especially Tulsi leaves, are used in Pujas. The day is highly auspicious for starting new ventures and it is believed that those who observe the Vrat are bound to get blessed with fortunes. People also give alms on the day.

Budhvar, Wednesday, is dedicated to Lord Krishna and the planet Budh or Mercury. The day is also associated with Lord Vithal, an incarnation of Krishna. In some regions, Lord Vishnu is worshiped. Keeping a fast (Upvaas) on Budhvar is believed to help in leading a peaceful family life.

god to worship on wednesday


Thursday is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and his incarnations. Pujas are conducted using milk, ghee etc. Food is only eaten once and that too containing milk products. People read Srimad Bhagavad Purana on the day.

Thurdsay is also popularly known as Gurubar or Guruvar. Yellow is the color of the day. A fast is observed on the day and food is consumed only once. In some areas, people make it a point to visit Hanuman Temple on Thursdays.

god to worship on thursday


Friday is dedicated to Mother Goddess – Mahalakshmi, Santhosi Ma, Annapuraneshwari and Durga. Sweets are distributed on the day. Those devotees observing the Vrat make it a point to eat at night.

Friday or Shukrawar is dedicated to Shakti – the Mother Goddess in Hinduism – and Shukra or Venus. One of the most important Vrat or Upvaas (fast) on the day is dedicated to Santhoshi Matha (an incarnation of Shakti). The fasting is also known as ‘Solah Shukravar Vrats because a devotee fasts for 16 consecutive Fridays. White color is given importance on Friday.

Another deity that is propitiated on the day is Shukra, who is known to provide joy and material wealth. The period of Shukra in one’s astrological chart is considered to be most productive and luckily period.

god to worship on friday


Saturday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord Shani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day.

You can reduce Shani Dosha or Shani Dasha by chanting Shani Chalisa.

Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color.

god to worship on saturday

It must be noted here that the deity worshipped on a particular day might vary from region to region and community to community. The result of all upvaas or fast depends on the person. It is good, if all the members in the family can undertake a Vrata together.

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