Sunday 2nd of March 2025

Almond Gum [Badam Pisin] Benefits

What is Almond Gum?

The Almond tree produces a resin called almond gum. It has been used as a raw material for cosmetic products for more than 100 years.

Almond gum is a sweet which is manufactured from badam paste. It is a mixture of sugar syrup and masala products. It is mostly sold in local markets. It is also used to make biscuits and other snacks.

The history of Almond gum began 200 years back. At that time it was used as a medicine for fever and cold. People used to eat these sweets after completing their dinner. It became their habit to eat before going to bed.

How was Almond Gum manufactured?

The seeds of the almond were boiled in water. The oil content inside the almond was separated from it. After that, it was filtered and dried. This procedure takes up to two hours. After that gum was grinded in the form of powder.

20 Benefits of Badam Pisin or Almond Gum

Strengthen the immune power

Almond gum was good to strengthen our immune system. It contains an excess amount of vitamin E. It protects us from free radicals. Free radicals affect the cells and tissues of our body. Vitamin E fights against the viruses which cause cancer tumours. And so it prevents us from cancer disease.

It prevents dandruff. Because of ageing, our skin lost its natural oily substance and becomes dry. This problem was cured by almond gum.

It gives healthy shinning to you

Badam gum gives you a healthy shinning. It contains flavonoids like oxygenation components. It is good for our skin. Flavonoids are helpful to reduce inflammation and reddishness in the skin.

Reduces the cellulite

Almond gum is used to reduce cellulite. Because it moisturizes the skin. Cellulite form when the fat deposits on the skin. When the skin becomes tight it pulls the fat deposits and connects them together. As a result of this dimples and tumours occurs on the skin. Badam pisin contains softeners. It is best to reduce cellulite.

Cares the skin conditions

Almond gum is good for curing the skin diseases like rashes, psoriasis, pimples, and rosacea. This condition happens due to the excess formation of oil in the skin. Badam pisin is used to equalize the production of oil.

Prevents hair fall

Almond gum is helpful for curing hair fall due to mental depression, low nutrition, hormonal changes‌ and ageing. Badam pisin stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. It promotes the new growth of the scalp region.

Improves digestion

Almond gum improves digestion. It acts as a prebiotic in the body. As it feeds the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Carbohydrates which feed the probiotic bacteria in the intestine are called prebiotics. Probiotics fought against infection, and improve the immune system and digestive systems.

Promotes weight loss

Almond gum meas promotes weight loss. It increases appetite and satisfaction after the intake of food. Less intake of food leads to calorie consumption. Badam pisin meas fills our stomach. So people intake less amount of calories.

Good for Heart

Almond gum is good for the health of our hearts. As it reduces fat. Cholesterol takes a major part in our cell membrane. Due to a lack of cholesterol, the cell membrane weakens and destroys. Badam pisin presents in mono-saturated cholesterol.

It reduces bad cholesterol like LDL(low-density lipoproteins) and increases good fat like HDL(high-density lipoproteins).

It makes you brilliant

Almond gum increases the activities of our brain and makes us smarter. Almond tree was used for its medicinal properties. It is believed that Almond pisin improves memory power and concentration. Nowadays scientists research the Almond and its results in the human body.

Improves mental condition

Almond gum removes the mental depression. Because it contains tryptophan-like amino acid. It produces serotonin, a type of neurotransmitter which affects the mental state. Serotonin level decreases according to their age. Due to this aged people experience the symptoms of mental depression.

Boost up the energy level

Almond gum increases the energy level of our body as it contains magnesium. It controls the nerve stimulation in the central nervous system. Magnesium deficiency is common among people who suffer from long-term fatigue.

Decreases blood pressure

Almond gum decreases blood pressure as it contains the properties of blood pressure resistance. High blood pressure is the most common disease worldwide. According to the statement of WHO(World Health Organization), one billion people suffer from high blood pressure all over the world.

Strengthen the bones

As almond gum contains calcium it is helpful for strengthening the bones. Calcium is most important for bone growth and maintenance.

Protects from the Cancer

Almond gum protects us from cancer disease. It contains phytochemicals which fought against the free radical. Free radicals make DNA destruction and create cancer-causing mutation.

Reduces inflammation

Almond gum contains polyphenols and flavonoids and so it reduces inflammation. Polyphenols and flavonoids are helpful to prevent the oxygenation of LDL cholesterol. Inflammation of arteries and cause of heart disease is reduced.

Prevents Aastiophorosis

Almond gum prevents Aastiophorosis. As it contains manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, vitamin k, and phosphorus. Vitamin k helps in bone development. Phosphorus boosts the development of healthy teeth and bones. Zinc helps in immune system function. Copper fought against epidemic diseases. Manganese helps in muscular coordination. Potassium helps in fluid balance.

Cures diarrhoea

Almond gum cures and reduces diarrhoea. Because it contains fibre. It also decreases intestinal gas.


Almond is safe during pregnancy. As it doesn’t contain any toxic substances or allergic reactions. Even though it is good for pregnant ladies to avoid more seeds as it creates constipation.

Increases sperm production

Almond gum increases the amount of sperm as it contains zinc which increases the testosterone level. Testosterone is most important for men’s fertility.

When and how to consume Almond Gum?

Almond gum is available for all seasons and throughout the year. It can be consumed rawly, dried, fried, soaked, boiled or as a sweet.

Raw: To get our daily nutrition, consume badam gum rawly as tiffin.

Fried: Fry it on low flame for 5 minutes before eating. This will change its bitter taste and helps to digest it easily. Fry the Almond gum in hot oil for 30 seconds. consume after it becomes cool.

Soaked: Soak the Almond gum in warm water all over the night. Next day drain the excess water. Fry until it turns golden in colour.

Boiled: Boil the Almond gum for two hours in boiling water. Consume after cooling it.

Sweet: Make a sugar syrup in two cups of water with one-half of the sugar. Add one teaspoon of almond juice and stir well. After that add the three cups of cooked Almond gum and mix well and consume immediately.

Dried: With direct sunlight and without ventilation keep the Almond gum at room temperature. If you are in a chill climate, keep it in the refrigerator.

How much Almond gum could I consume?

It is prescribed for a person to consume one cup(300 grams) of almond gum without salt per week. But it’s not necessary to follow this prescription. We may consume up to three cups of almond gum without salt per week. Assure it by seeing the label.

How to save Almond Gum?

Save the almond gum at room temperature in an open tight-air container. If we save it safely, it may long for 6 months. For long-term use, wrap it with a plastic cover and store in the freezer.

Can we eat Almond gum daily?

Yes, it is safe to consume only one cup of almond gum daily. If we exceed this level, it will makes indigestion. Eat this sweet dish regularly and make sure that the level doesn’t exceed four times a week.

What are the side effects of Almond gum?

There are no records which tell about the side effects of consuming Almond gum.

Is Almond Gum have an expiry date?

It will expire in 7 years after opening. If we keep it in the refrigerator use it within 7 days.


Almond gum is a sweet and also a crispy seed which comes from India. It contains more protein, fibre and healthy fat. This lentil is filled with oxygenation elements, vitamins and minerals. It reduces fat, increases the energy level and improves the immune system. It increases the whole nutrition level of our body.

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