Monday 3rd of March 2025

Guru Paduka Stotram Lyrics with Meaning

Guru Paduka Stotra

Guru Bhaduka Stotram is a hymn that praises the importance of Guru in one’s life and by chanting this stotram one can get the blessings of Guru. It extols many qualities of a guru; Explains how the life of one who lives under his guidance changes. Recite the Guru Bhaduka Stotra and see your Guru, get his grace and change your life.

Guru Paduka Stotram Lyrics with Meaning in English

naukāyitābhyāṁ gurubhaktidābhyām |
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 1 ||

Meaning: It is the boat that helps to cross the ocean of endless life; Bringing in me devotion to my Guru; By worshiping this I shall attain the realm of unattached life; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas.

daurbhāgyadāvāmbudamālikābhyām |
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 2 ||

Meaning: It is like the perfect full moon and the ocean of knowledge; This is the water that extinguishes the fire of misfortune; It does erase the sufferings of the surrendered; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas.

natā yayōḥ śrīpatitāṁ samīyuḥ
kadācidapyāśu daridravaryāḥ |
mūkāśca vācaspatitāṁ hi tābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 3 ||

Meaning: those who worship and praise him; Even if they are poor, they will become rich; Makes even the dumb a great speaker; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas.

nānāvimōhādinivārikābhyām |
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 4 ||

Meaning: and leading us to the lotus-like feet of the Guru; Purifying us by destroying vain desires; fulfills the thoughts of the praiser; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas.

saridvirājajjhaṣakanyakābhyām |
nr̥patvadābhyāṁ natalōkapaṅktēḥ
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 5 ||

Meaning: Like a shining ruby on a king’s crown; Like a woman shining in a river surrounded by crocodiles; It has the power to make its devotee a king; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas.

tāpatrayāhīndrakhagēśvarābhyām |
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 6 ||

Meaning: Like the shining sun that dispels dark sins; Suffering is like Garuda Raja who destroys the Naga; Ignorance like the sea is like fire that cannot be consumed; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas.

samādhidānavratadīkṣitābhyām |
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 7 ||

Meaning: Salutations to the sandals of my Guru, Which endows us, with the glorious six qualities like a sham, Which gives the students, the ability to go into an eternal trance, And which helps to get perennial devotion to the feet of Vishnu.

svāhāsahāyākṣadhurandharābhyām |
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 8 ||

Meaning: Always engaged in his work; Fulfilling the thoughts of devoted disciples; Helping the aspirants to realize themselves; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas.

vivēkavairāgyanidhipradābhyām |
bōdhapradābhyāṁ drutamōkṣadābhyāṁ
namō namaḥ śrīgurupādukābhyām || 9 ||

Meaning: It is like Garuda driving away the snake of passion; It gives one wealth like wisdom, detachment; Blesses one with wisdom and gives quick salvation to those who seek Him; Millions and millions of salutations to my Guru’s Padukas!!

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