Wednesday 12th of March 2025

Ganapathi Homam Procedure & Benefits

Ganapathi Homam

Ganapathi Homam is done during the inauguration of the new business. It removes the obstacles in the body, mind, and spiritual forms and makes success in our life. Also removes the struggles in the economic, study, and health issues. Instead of initiating the other Homas, do the Ganapathi Homam first.

Purpose of the things used in the Ganapathi Homam

It is important to do Ganapathi Homam to get the blessings of Lord Ganapathi. Doing Homam early morning on the days of Friday, and Sathurthi day gives a better result. Ashtathiraviyam and coconut slices are the best homathiraviyams.

  • Doing Homam with 1000 coconut slices, multiply the wealth and create great financial status.
  • Satuma, paddy, pori, trimathuram are good for all wellness. Nelpori(paddy with pori) added with trimathuram makes marriage faster.
  • Paddy added with rice, and ghee is good for fulfilling our dreams and makes them true sooner.
  • Honey gives gold.
  • Appam dipped in ghee gives mantra siddhi and raja vasiyam.
  • Mothagam gives victory in war and fulfills our wishes.
  • Unpeeled coconut (1 mandalam) is good for giving mantra siddhi.
  • Lotus gives wealth development.
  • Venthamarai(white lotus) improves our words to become action.
  • Scutch grass (Arugam pul) gives Gubera siddhi (financial development).
  • Bow leaf, Coconut, aval, and pepper are good for showering all wellness.

Ganapathi Homam Procedure

Anukngyai suklaamparatharam…..saanthaye
Om poo….poorpussuvarom


Sube sobane …….paramechvara preethyartham
Nakshathre -rasow jaathasya sa kudumbasya
Kshemasthairya veerya vijaya aayu;arogya
Aishwarya abhivruthyartham sarvaarishta saanthyartham
Sarvaabeeshta sidhyartham maha Ganapathi Homam karishye.

Broke one coconut, slice it like a bamboo leaf, add jaggery sugar, honey, ghee put eight slices for homam. The remaining slices are Nivedhanam for Mahaganapathi and Durga. Put the coconut shell on the north and south side of Agni (fire) like the eyes by saying the moola mantra. Place the coconut stalk (mattai) on the surrounding the Agni like elephant’s trunk.

Eight Thiraviyams

Kozhukattai, aval, pori, satuma, sugarcane piece, coconut slice, sesame, banana are the eight thiraviyams (scutch grass are also used in Homam).

1. Recitate before the Agni as Poorpuvas Soovarom. (Before that, put rice flour like a square on the place where the Agni was placed. Dip the Dharbha in the water and draw three lines facing east and north sides and then dip in water and draw the southwest side.)

2. On nearer to this, do pooja for the kumbam, Personify it as Varunan. On the northeast side of Agni place the lamp and Personify as Durga. Perform sixteen pooja for that.

3. Parishesanam

Athithe anumanyasva anumathe anumanyasva
Sarasvathe anumanyasva deva savitha prasoova

4. Pray the homa Gundam on Agni and do pooja on the eight sides. (Start from the east side).

Indhraaya nama:agnaye nama:yamaaya nama:
Nirruthaye nama:varunaaya nama:vaayave nama:
Somaaya nama:eesaanaaya nama:agnaye nama:(Agni)
Aathmane nama:sarvepyo brahmanepyo nama:

Add 15 spoons of ghee, say Asmin homa karmani brahman ithmam aathasye, and saying Om aathathsva lord brahma add to the agni. On thinking prajaathipathi in your mind and pour the ghee from north corner to southeast side. Then say Swaha, prajaapathaya itham na mama. Swaha indhraaya itham na mama (pour ghee from south side to northeast) then tell Atha aajya paago joohothi (half of northeast side) and Agnaye swaaha, akyai idham na mama. On the half of southeast side say Somaaya swaha, somaaya idham na mama and pour ghee to the Homa Gundam. To rid of all the sins and doshas say Om poorpuvassoova :swaahaa, prajaapathaya idham na mama and pur ghee to it.

5. Do meditation (thyanam) in the middle of agni praying Mahaganapathi. Asya sri maha ganapathi maha manthrasya kanaka rishi: gaayatri santha :maha ganapathir devathaa klaam peejam kleem sakthi:kloom keelagam sri maha ganapathi prasaatha sidhyarthe homa viniyoga: (do karaniyaasam,anga nyaasam) do thigpanthanam saying poorpuvassoovarom.

6. Meditation

Peejaapoora kathe ksha kaarmugarujaa sakraapja paasothpala vreehyakra swavishaana
rathnakalasa prothyath kaaraam poruha:thyeyoo vallapa ya sapathmaharayaa slishtojvalath pooshayaa
visvothpathi vipathi samsthitha karo viknesa ishtaartha:

7. Pancha pooja (Five Pooja)

Lam pruthivyaathmathe kantham samarpayaami
Ham aakaasaathmane pushpam samarpayaami
Yam vaayvaathmane thoopam aakraapayaami
Ram agniyaathmane deepam tharsayaami
Vam amruthaathmane amrutham mahanaivedhyam nivethayaami
Sam sarvaathmane sarva upasaara poojaam samarpayaami

(Then recite Ganapathi Moola Mantra: Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gam Ganapataye Vara Varad Sarvajanjanmme Vashamanaye Swaha||)

8. Homam with Ghee

Om swaahaa om sreem swaahaa om sreem hreem swaahaa om sreem hreem kleem swaahaa om sreem..
klowm swaahaa

om sreem.. kam swaahaa om sreem.. ganapathaye swaahaa om sreem.. varavaratha
swaahaa om sreem.. sarva janam me vasam swaahaa om sreem.. vasamaanaya swaahaa sri maha ganapathaye idham na mama

9. Homam with Coconut Slice

Nakshatre – raasow jaathasya – sarmana: sakudum pasya anukoolam prayacha prayacha,prathikoolam
naasaya naasaya ,sampatho varthaya,varthaya,varthaya,sarvathra vijayam prayacha prayacha,

Om sreem hreem.. vasamaanaya swaha. (Do homam for eight times)

10. Ghee Homam

Kanaanaam thvaa ganapathim havaamahe… seetha
Saathanam swaha (say it 8 times and do homam)

11. Homam with Paddy and Pori

Uthishta purusha haretha pingala lohi thaaksha sarvaapeeshtam thehi thehi thaa paya thaa paya swaaha (8 times homam) agniroopaaya sri maha ganapathaye idham na mama.

12. Homam with Coconut Shell

Jaatha vedha se… thurithaaya kni :swaha (2 times)

13. Homam with the scutch grass (Arugam pul) dipped in ghee

Say the moola mantra eight times.

14. Homam with 8 thiraviyam

Om namo vraathapathaye namo ganapathaye nama: pramathapathaye namasthesthu lampotharaaya ega thandhaaya vignavinaasine sivasoothaaya Sri varatha moorthaye namo nama:swaahaa (8 times) sri maha ganapathaye idham na mama

15. Ganesha Gayatri Jabam – 10 times.

16. Do Homam by saying the Ganesa Moola Mantra.

17. Do Homam by saying Ganapathi Atharvaseersham.

18. Uthraangam

Poo: swaahaa akyai idham
Puva: swaahaa vaayava idham
Soova: swaahaa sooryaya idham

Asminth homa karmani mathye sampaavidha samastha dosha praayachithaartham sarva praaya sithaartham hoshyaami om poorpuvassova : swaahaa prajaapathaya idham sri vishnave swaahaa vishnave paramaathmana idham namo rudhraaya pasupathaye swaahaa rudhraaya pasupathaye idham
(wash hands with water)

19. Poornahuti

Asmin homakarmani poornaahoothim karishye
Poornaahoothi devathaap yo nama:sarvopasaara poojaam samarpayaami

Moolamantra + vowshat

Poornaahoothim uthamaam joohothi sarvam vai poornaahoothi: sarvam avaapnothi atho iyam vai
poornahoothi:asyaamev prathi thishtathi

Poornamatha: poornamitham poornaath poornam uthachyathe…avasishyathe
brahmaarpanam…..samaathi naa

Do parayanam.

20. Parishechana

Athithe anvamangs tha: anumathe anvamangas tha : sarasvathe anvamangs tha:
The savitha : praasaavi:
Varunaaya nama:sagalaaraathanai:svarchitham

21. Brahma Uthasanam

Brahman varam the tha thaa mi brahmane nama:
Sagala aaraathanai svarchitham
(Add all the Darbha to the Agni from the four sides)

22. Upasthanam

Swaahaa akner upasthanam karishye aknaye nama:
Manthrahenam kreyaahinam bakthihinam hoothaasana
Yath thu tham thu mayaa deva paripoornam thatha sthu the
Praayassithaani akshonaam krushnaanusmaranam param (do namaskaram)
Agnim aathmani uth vaasayaami (pray from the heart)

23. Raksha

Pruhath saama kshathrap ruth vruth tha vrushniyam : thrishtu powja :soopu tham ukra veeram indhra
sthomena panchathasena mathyam idham vaathena sakarena raksha

24. Samarpanam

Kuhyaathi kuhya kopthaa thvam kruhaanaa smath krutham havam
sithi: pavathu me the va thvathprasathaan mayi sthiraa
Om thathsath prahmaarpanam asthu.

Ganapathi Homam Benefits

Disease, business obstacles: Recover from the disease of family members. To remove business problems & obstacles, mental depression, and negative thoughts and give a positive vibe.

Ketu Dasha: Those who are affected because of Ketu will be free from that problems and get goodwill.

Marriage delay: Marriage delay, unemployment, and loss in business will come to end and shower with good wealth.

Agni: Ganapathi Homam is done with Agni which is one of the elements of Pancha Bhoota. The vibration which came out of Agni will remove the laziness and boost up with energetic vibration.

Education: Children will develop best in their studies. They are able to remember easily which they

Spiritual way: The obstacles and problems for those who follow the spiritual way will recover from their issues and get a clear and easy way.

Avoid Accidents & Sudden death: It will prevent and secure us from sudden unexpected death and accidents.

Money development: Free from the financial problem and make better development in business.

Achievement: New agreements will achieve the business man and get success in it.

Family problems: By doing Ganapathi Homam once a year will solve family problems. It performs as a boundary to family problems.

Positive energy: Ganapathi Homam will remove bad things, and negative thoughts and convert them into positive energy.

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